With so many Gas Credit Cards on the market, it is really hard to choose for the right card for you, especially if you are looking for the cheapest one. Some credit card companies are claiming they offer the cheapest gas credit cards, but most of the time they get back to you with their charges and fees. Here is a short list of all the cheapest credit cards voted by consumers that you could choose from:
Consumers said that the best overall gas credit card is the Discover Open Road Card. With this gas credit card, you will be able to get a full 5% Cash back Bonus on gasoline purchases and auto maintenance. Also earn up to 1% Cash back Bonus on all other purchases automatically.
If you have Good credit history, the Blue Cash from American Express Card lets you get 5% cash back at all gasoline stations, supermarkets, and drugstores, with 1.5% on purchases everywhere else. This is really great way to save money on daily expenses.
On the other hand, students can also get 5% cash back with the Discover Student Platinum Card.
If you choose BP for your gasoline, use the Chase BP Visa Rebate Card. You will earn full 5% cash back at BP stations. Also, you will be able to get 2% cash back at restaurants, lodging, airlines and car rentals and 1% cash back on purchases everywhere else (except for non-BP gas stations).
Aside from getting the best and cheapest Gas Credit Cards, here are some tips for you to save money and get cheap gas:
Always Pay Gasoline Using Your Gas Rebate Credit Card
Use your Gas Rebate Credit cards for all your gasoline purchases. When you accumulated all the cash backs and rebates, you will be surprised how much money you save.
Branded Vs Non Branded Gasoline
Some gasolines from non-brand name gas stations are basically the same in composition as what the popular gasoline stations offer and they are cheaper too. You can save a few cents for every gallon getting the same stuff.
Drive Moderately
Driving less aggressively and moderately, it will save you money. Rapid acceleration and braking of the car burns more fuel and is harder on your vehicle. Control your driving so that you can maximize your mileage with your gasoline.
Tire Pressure
Check the pressure of your tires once a month because studies showed that driving on tires that are not fully inflated can cost you 10% or more in lost gas.
Hybrid Vehicles
Now that gas prices are going up all the time, consider trading your vehicle for a more fuel efficient vehicle. Hybrid engine vehicles are going to be the next big thing for the automobile because it could save you a lot of money on gas.
Carpooling and Public Transportation
Another great way to save money is to carpool. If a neighbor, friend, office mate or family will go to a near place where you usually work, try to share gas with them. Using bicycles or getting on a bus helps cut down on gas use, too.
Tank Up In The Morning
Gasoline expands in the heat and when you fill up in the afternoon, tendency is that it is automatically heated. It is advisable to fill your tank up in the morning when the temperature is cooler.
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