Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Style is Eternal: The BIG MOVE Giveaway


The BIG MOVE Giveaway

If you read this post I made last week, you probably already knew I'll move to Wordpress soon and I'll be hosting a lot of giveaways which already started last month. So now my giveaway is...

Yes, you read it right. One winner will receive $50 to spend in Romwe, a pair of flamenco red roses hair pins and hair comb both from Spearmint And ThymeHow to win?

  1. Sign up to Romwe. New sign up to get 20% coupon
  2. Like Spearmint and Thyme and Style is Eternal Facebook pages. Don't have Facebook? It's easy to make one :)
  3. Choose at least 1: Follow StyleisEternal.NET via...
  4. Fill up the form below

This giveaway is open worldwide. Deadline is on October 15, 2012 (GMT +8:00) *disregard the 'to be determined' phrase on the form below

To my GFC (Google Friend Connect) Followers, you'll earn an extra entry if you give your GFC name on the form below (included in the 'Bonus Entries') and followed me again via Bloglovin or Networked Blogs. Note: I have a list of my GFC followers before I turn it down. I no longer accept more GFC followers because I'm moving to Wordpress, if you still followed me via GFC just to earn an extra entry YOU WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED but there are still some other ways for you to earn extra entries.



Just leave a comment below if you have questions.

PS: Here are some coupons that you could use to shop in Romwe

coupon code:Aug15

$15 off $75+ on, free shipping, only be used once per customer, ends on 08/31/2012. 

coupon code:Aug25 

$25 off $115+ on, free shipping, only be used once per customer, ends on 08/31/2012. 

coupon code:Aug35 

$35 off $155+ on, free shipping, only be used once per customer, ends on 08/31/2012. 


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