Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm back babies..with a SURPRISE GIVEAWAY for you all!


I've just joined this contest. You should too!

See blog post below...

Hiya my lovelies!
How are you all? I'm back again from my blogging break after being struck ill by a nasty case of the flu! But I'm back in full power and desperately ready to get my bum back into blogging again. I've missed it so much whilst I've been lazying around on the sofa, eating junk and watching desperate housewives. I'm extremely sorry for the lack of posts everyone, I used to post almost every single day but it's a little bit harder now I'm in full time work again, and there's no point stressing over the fact that I can't blog, and I'm not going to sacrifice the time I have with my loved ones for blogging either. Blogging is simply my hobbie, which I adore but it will never come between the time I enjoy spending with my loved ones and I have come to realise that a lot more now. To me when your ill it's put's life in perspective, because alot of the time, you're bored and have nothing to do (or is that just me?) and you do a lot of reflecting on your life and have a bit of thinking time, and I've come to realise how blessed and lucky I am in a variety of ways, but before I start getting all soppy I just wanted to thank you all for being super duper patient with me whilst I've been ill and haven't complained about the lack of posts, you're all so amazingly supportive and I love you all for that.  (Oh dear, I'm already becoming super soppy!)

Whilst I was away I reached my 700 follower milestone which is a huge achievement for me, my blog has only been running since the start of June, and the fact that it's come so far in such a short time is just beyond me. I mean why the hell do you even follow me? It really puts a smile on my face to see your comments at the end of every post. Thank you, each and every single one of you for being so lovely (as always) and just being the best most fab followers in the whole wide world, I thought I'd do a giveaway to celebrate my 700 follower milestone because you seriously all deserve it. I hope you love the giveaway prizes. I tried to add prizes that I thought each and every single one of you would fall in love with, and products I've found to adore using myself, I've also added a surprise mystery box because these type of prizes always seem to be super popular . This giveaway is open internationally, because I want to cater to each and every single one of you, and it will be running for 4 weeks, just so that you can all have a good chance of entering! I wish you all the best of luck!! Thank you so much for following me and my little blog, it makes my day's a lot brighter knowing I have the support of all of you guys and can escape to my little blog and connect with somebody no matter what time of the day, whether it be on
Twitter Blogger, or Pinterest

So I guess this mean's I am well and truly back lovelies and I will be posting as much as possible, I have lots of exciting post's lined up. I've found lots of inspiration whilst I've been away so I guess that's another plus to being on a blogging break! I hope you all have a wonderful day! If you're looking for something to make you smile on this very dull day then click 
here I laughed out loud so much.
Lots of Love
| This Months Lovely Advertiser is Harriet from Passion For Make Up .If you would like to advertise on My Beauty And Fashion Fix, click here to be navigated to my Advertising information page. | 

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